
Technological and Innovation Bridge to the US - Draft Program

I already have the draft program for the Technological and Innovation Bridge to the US Silicon Valley and Seattle – April 27th until May 1st 2009

Departure from Barcelona airport

Arrival to San Francisco. Transfer to the hotel: Warwick San Francisco

“Who’s who” session in the hotel
(we will get to know each other with the help of the “Who is who” of each member of the delegation).

Monday, April 27th: SILICON VALLEY – General Agenda

PlugandPlayTechCenter.com (http://www.plugandplaytechcenter.com). Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, PlugandPlayTechCenter.com is a community of over 120 technology start-ups companies. Working agenda:
• Conference with 2-3 international entrepreneurs: Business in Silicon Valley: What are the challenges, When coming from Europe, why Silicon Valley, etc..
• Lunch with a special guest from a keyplayer (ie Yahoo, Amazon, etc..)
• Focused workshops (Trends in the SV, What Venture Capital are looking for)
Networking event with a presentation of Barcelona

Tuesday, April 28th: SILICON VALLEY –General –Agenda and Face to Face meetings
Visit to another leading IT company (TBC)

Face To Face meetings according to each company’s agendas.
Location: offices of the visited company

Wednesday, April 29th: SILICON VALLEY – Face to face Agenda
Face To Face meetings according to each company’s agendas.
Location: offices of the visited company

Transfer from hotel to the airport for the flight to Seattle

Arrival to Seattle. Transfer to the hotel: Westin Bellevue

Thursday, April 30th: SEATTLE – General Agenda
Entire day in MICROSOFT (Redmond)

Friday, May 1st: SEATTLE
No face to face meetings will be organized in Seattle. If a company wants to fix its own meetings and stay longer in Seattle, it can ask the travel agency VIAP for a different flight or arrange it itself

Transfer from hotel to the airport for the flight back to Barcelona

Saturday, May 2nd: SEATTLE-BARCELONA
Arrival to Barcelona airport

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